Physiotherapy is a holistic approach in diagnosing, treating and preventing pain, stiffness and disorder of human movement to enhance the health and welfare of our community. It is an evidence-based & scientifically proven effective solution for many types of injuries.
At Preeminent Physio, we don’t just do massage, ultrasound or TENS machine. Physiotherapists here actually do a lot more than that. We are first contact practitioners which means that patients have not seen anyone else before. It is our responsibility to refer patients for scans if there is a suspectation of serious causes of symptoms or back to their GPs for further referral to specialists. We do thorough examination to diagnose the problem and commence the best suitable treatment modalities including soft tissue release, mobilisation, dry needling, stretching, trigger point therapy, McKenzie and Mulligan's concept etc. Patients often get suggestions in regarding to how should they manage these problems as well. For some conditions, doing the right exercises is also big part of the management especially for things like tendinopathy, shoulder problems and rehabilitation etc.